Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Padraig Nally

Just reading a post about the Padraig Nally case going on at the moment in Dublin on my good friend "Bocks" blog

The case seems to hinge on the fact that he had only a single barrel shotgun, and after shooting His would be assailant he went into the house to reload the gun and shot John "Frog" Ward a second time fatally.

My thoughts are as simple as this, you do what you have to do in order to protect you and your own. If anyone came near me or mine I'd likely do the same.

If Padraig Nally had this he wouldn't be in jail at the moment.

Automatic Shotgun - video powered by Metacafe


Anonymous said...

Jesus, Dickler.

No Caseys in your neighbourhood.

The Dickler said...

OOOOOps, Mommy I just got bitchslapped by the durty perv......

Do you honestly think that you can threaten and/or bully me like you and yours do to kids all around the world ya perverted twisted gobshite????

Your ilk covers up the criminal bullying behaviour that you conduct by using the legal profession and the law to your own disgusting ends. We as a country have suffered under twisted priests, nuns, and now it appears that an inner circle of the legal and professional upper crust have been using their positions of authority in this country to prey on young kids. You won't bully me with your threats, you're probably tossing yerself off while reading this thinking that it's a twelve year old boy thats writing it...

However if you want to persist in trying to bully me like your ilk does to kids all around they world then Bring it on bitch, The burdizo is my answer, if that doesn't work for you see the nally post for another solution to your kind of intimidation. A lot of it is small man/hitler syndrome. Usually people like you have to find someone that they are capable of bullying as they cannot deal with adults who can stand up for themselves..
You seem to like your right of free speech, using the bastardisation of the blue ribbon logo that you do, me I prefer my right to self defence. Active self defence, of me and mine..I would use any and all means to be rid of any pervert sicko who preys on defenceless kids, I lump ye in with the rest of the slurry, consider my kind the vacuum tank.

I've said it already, get help, if you haven't already fucked up someones life then you are going to.... or are you so far up your own arse in denial that you still believe that you're the normal one? A lot of people whose lives have been destroyed by the likes of you were able to get help don't continue the destruction which your way of thinking has to bring to someones baby.

You've said I should be aware that many of the angriest anti paedophiles are closeted ones. Bullshit I say to that, I don't get aroused by kids, But be very certain that I'm a very angry anti-bully. I come from a circle of people who cannot understand how rapists and child molesters of your kind make it to court alive.........

The Great Zucchini said...
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Bock the Robber said...


It isn't capable of understanding any of this because it is a pervert. I think you're right about one thing though. It gets its kicks from power and it's fantasising about dominating you. I suppose it would really like to be frightening a kid instead of this. It wrote to me earlier today begging me to tell you it made this comment. Maybe it's pretending to itself that you're afraid of it.

Possibly some kind of jack-off thing for it to avoid being an adult.

rez said...

Secondly, you should know that it is a criminal and prosecutable offense to threaten someone with violence, regardless of their sexual attractions.

BLueRibbon's making shit up again. just more of his inexcusable ignorance.

Due to the fact that paedophilia is officially a mental illness, threatening a minor attracted person is not an offense that any court can ignore.

you are one stupid dad beater, BlueRibbon. pretending that you know what your talking about isn't going to fool anyone, you stupid fuck.

Finally, you should be aware that many of the angriest anti-paedophiles are closeted paedophiles.

yeah, i've heard this before from filth like you, BLueRibbon. and it's based on nothing but your own self loathing. we're not sick. you are, pedophile. get help, or get caught. there are no alternatives.

rez said...

but you are the person accusing me of being a danger to the people I'm attracted to.

anyone who would attack their own father because they were told to stay away from a child that they said they were sexually attracted to shouldn't be around children. for any reason.

Bock the Robber said...

I'd love to see it pursuing legal action.

For the record, I'd cut its nuts off too if I thought it was anywhere near my children. Just to be on the safe side.

Unknown said...

You shouldn't encourage it. It talks bollocks and goading it only makes it bolder.

While being attracted to children isn't illegal, the fact that it is attracted to children makes the world a more dangerous place for children.
Its sick urges need to be satiated, therefore the demand for child sexually oriented material is fuelled and therefore is responsible for the abuse of children.

The fact that it hides behind the law and even has a logo is as cynical as its motives are vile.

It has nothing to be proud about.

Dea said...

I think I'm going to be sick...

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...


1. Proud to be attracted to children

This is the bit that I don't get at all.

Where does the pride come from here? Have you had to work especially hard to become attracted to children. Is it pride in belonging to a group of older men who share your tendencies? Young men want to belong to groups - this is accepted psychological fact.

The danger of groups like the BL Society is that they legitimise their agenda such that young men like yourself are drawn in and feel validated by the older members.

You may disagree with this but, with respect, you haven't got a clue. In this you are like every other 18 year old who is absolutely convinced that his way is the right way. These older men sit back while you, young and full of piss and vinegar, do their fighting for them in fora such as these - just like older men have always sent younger men off to fight battles the young have simply not been alive long enough to understand.

The problem with legitimising this child-love thing is that it ceases to become wrong in your own mind. You don't see that the damage you can do to the still-forming young minds of children is catastrophic. You don't see that at 18, you yourself have been manipulated into thinking this is perfectly OK adn that you shouldn't seek help for it. And you have even become a spokesperson for it. You are not a child, not yet a man.

You also seem to be an incredibly angry young man, stating on your site that you want to break your father and mother's marriage up and "cause as much damage" as you can. This is not the normal reaction from someone being criticized for their lifestyle by loved ones who don't understand. A homosexual coming out to his or her parents tries their damnedest to be concilliatory and help his parents understand. You sound violent and irrational and you might think hard about getting some help.

Remember that the disordered human mind will bend itself into pretzels to justify what goes on in there. From there the step from thought to action is not nearly as great as you, in your youth, think it is. The world is littered with the evidence of that. You have far less control than you think you have. I mean you shoved your dad up agaist a wall because he doesn't get you.

Really, do yourself, and others, a big favour and think about getting help. These BL people sound like they have sucked you in pretty far with their gentle little discussions about abominable things. Accept that some thoughts are wrong, just wrong, even if you can't prosecute someone foor their thoughts. If you're having thoughts like that, you need to get help. Really you do. You're only 18 and could turn this on your head if you're willing to listen to other people. It sounds to me like you want a battle with someone, anyone, but you'll find that, with this battle you've chosen, every point you think you've argued and won will turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory, and it'll all crush you. You're a kid yourself for Chrissakes - pick some other way to rebel and try to keep a lid on your anger if you're not going to get help for it.

"Proud to be attracted to children"

Jesus. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?

Bock the Robber said...

It isn't a kid.

This thing is no more eighteen years old than I am. Don't forget that a standard tactic of paedophobes is to under-state their age. Jesus, Dickler, maybe it's grooming you! Imagine the fright it would get if it set up a meeting and met you.

Now. Sex with an under-age child is rape. So here we have a thing that likes to fantasise about rape and it thinks it has the right to be be close to the objects of its rape-fantasies.

I think it deserves to be castrated. Slowly.

Old Knudsen said...

I am able to control my urges, I don't need to have - nor do I personally agree with - sex with children. I masturbate frequently and that deals with my urges without harming anyone

You are trying very hard to convince people that do not want to be convinced so I think that in some level of yer twisted brain you know that tugging the lad to Tucker in Grange Hill and the thoughts you have about children are wrong.

Like every self destructing addict you claim control over yer actions and impulses but you know you're going to get to that point where you try it on, when wanking is no longer enough.

Don't bother going to therapy where as you said they would treat you like a child molester, hmmmm I wonder why, blow yer own brains out instead do the decent thing.

You're the type of person that gets into a profession that deals with children or parks outside a school. C'mon ya waste of space off yourself, if you are only 18 you're dumb fuck up before you've even started life, if you are older well then you're just an immature sicko trying to fool themselves and to justify it to others.

You aren't a child molester as of yet so you say but people like you are not fit to be in society and I'd rather put you down like a sick dog than risk a child.

Bock the Robber said...

Focus, people. These are creatures who harbour rape fantasies about children.

It's that simple.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Is this guy real?

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

This is making me feel sick.

You want to be a teacher? If I thought there were people like you teaching my kids I would claw the eyes out of your face.

Bock the Robber said...


Maybe it's about time to pull the plug on the paedophobes. What do you think?

The Dickler said...

I made an executive decision and deleted their filth from the comments page.
This meant of course that I had to moderate comments as well as I'm bound to be on the receiving end of truckloads of crap from these sick monsters.

Thanks to those who left supporting messages, tough shit to those who tried to spread the sickness.

The Great Zucchini said...

And the great Dickler didst wave his magic dickler stick and *Kaboom....* the filth was cleavened.....

Better magician than me by any stretch of the imagination. I just wish it was this easy to get rid of all of it.

Bock the Robber said...

Good decision. There was no need to have them on for a second longer than necessary.

frenchmicky said...

Ah i know i'm late coming in on this but this is my first insomniac night in ages and thats the only time i have real time to read this shite....

You shouldn't have deleted the all that stuff.

That only serves the fool's self delusional ingrown thinking down to a tee.

leaving it up there allows all right thinking normal people to read it and be reminded that there are people who prey on the vulnerable in amongst us. Society should be measured on how well it protects the vulnerable.

Put back his shite and let it be read for what it is - puerile, unadulterated shite.